8+ 堤防 ウキ 釣り 撒き餌 なし Ideas

堤防釣りにおすすめの竿を紹介!サビキ釣りからルアーロッドまで Fish Master [フィッシュ・マスター]
堤防釣りにおすすめの竿を紹介!サビキ釣りからルアーロッドまで Fish Master [フィッシュ・マスター] from fish-master.net

The Japanese Fishing Technique: 堤防 ウキ 釣り 撒き餌 なし

If you're someone who loves fishing but hates the hassle of dealing with bait, then you'll be happy to know that there's a Japanese fishing technique that doesn't require any bait. This technique is known as 堤防 ウキ 釣り 撒き餌 なし, which translates to "bank fishing with a float without bait." Here's everything you need to know about it.

What is Bank Fishing with a Float without Bait?

Bank fishing with a float without bait is a technique that involves using a float and a lure to catch fish. The idea is to use the movement of the lure to attract fish, rather than the smell of bait. This technique is perfect for those who want to avoid the mess and hassle of dealing with bait.

How to Fish Using this Technique?

To fish using this technique, you'll need a few things. First, you'll need a rod and reel, a float, and a lure. You'll also need to find a good spot to fish. Look for areas where fish are known to congregate, such as near drop-offs or underwater structures.

Choosing the Right Lure

Choosing the right lure is crucial when using this technique. You want a lure that mimics the movement of baitfish. Some good options include crankbaits, jigs, and spinners. Experiment with different lures until you find one that works best for you.

Casting the Line

To cast the line, hold the rod with both hands and pull the line back over your shoulder. Then, bring the rod forward and release the line as you swing the rod forward. The goal is to get the lure to land as close to your target as possible.

Setting the Hook

When you feel a fish bite, wait a moment before setting the hook. This will give the fish time to fully take the lure into its mouth. Then, give the rod a quick jerk to set the hook.

Tips for Success

To be successful with this technique, it's important to pay attention to the movement of the lure. Vary the speed and depth of your retrieve until you find what works best. It's also important to be patient and persistent. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right spot and lure combination.

The Benefits of Fishing Without Bait

Fishing without bait has several benefits. First, it's less messy than using bait. You don't have to worry about handling worms or other bait, which can be a turnoff for some people. Second, it's more environmentally friendly since you're not introducing foreign substances into the water. Finally, it's a fun and challenging way to fish that requires skill and patience.


If you're looking for a new fishing technique to try in 2023, consider bank fishing with a float without bait. It's a fun and challenging way to fish that doesn't require any messy bait. With a little patience and persistence, you'll be catching fish in no time.

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